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Art Collaboration Kyoto

2024年11月1日(金)より開催のArt Collaboration Kyotoに品川が参加いたします。

“ASTON MARTIN | RANGE ROVER in Japanese Trad “をタイトルに、車/絵画/盆栽が融合した展示空間です。

【Art Collaboration Kyoto】

ASTON MARTIN / RANGE ROVER in Japanese Trad  supported by HAKKO LR


国立京都国際会館 ほか





11月2日(土) 12:00–19:00

11月3日(日) 11:00–17:00




Shinagawa will participate in the Art Collaboration Kyoto, which will be held from Friday, November 1, 2024.

The exhibition, titled "ASTON MARTIN / RANGE ROVER in Japanese Trad", combines cars, paintings and bonsai.

【Art Collaboration Kyoto】

ASTON MARTIN / RANGE ROVER in Japanese Trad  supported by HAKKO LR


Kyoto International Conference Center and others


Fri. November 1−Sun. 3, 2024


12:00–19:00 ※11:00–17:00(Sun)

※Last admission is 1 hour before closing.



©Ryo SHINAGAWA   <all rights reserved>​

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