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 また同時に “ま” という概念も古くから存在しています。この “ま” とは何かの “あいだ” でもあります。憑代同様、この “ま” もまた変化しないものの間を行き来する、移ろいの一種と考えられました。そして後に絵画や和歌中では季節の中でも最も植物の変化の大きい秋に重きを置いたり、蚊帳や障子といった内と外との光の具合によって見え方の異なる生活用品の中に神様の姿を見出していくようになります。


 Once upon a time, Japanese people perfumed a ceremony to meet the Gods, they thought the Gods lodge at an object. And they thought “the Gods are always transferring the place where they are”. Therefore it was very important something to moving, changing.

  It can be although the space. They found the Gods in the garden, architecture and the nature. (GARDEN ; we aren’t able to see all the motif, stone, collins e.c.t.. we have to move to see all the motif. / ARCHITECTURE ; for example sliding doors. We can see the other side, inside or outside. / NATURE ; Autumn was the most important. Because autumn has the biggest difference summer from winter. )

  In my paintings, I realize the moving or changing space. At the same time, it means coming and going from here and from the paintings. And this action likes the experimentation of internet which means coming and going from here and from the internet. Because we alive using the information and the experimentation that we gained from internet.

  I perform a ceremony, using the surface of paintings of art history but it's just filters, we can see the Gods.

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